Africa No Filter 2022 Storify Africa Fellowship

Africa No Filter (ANF), a donor collaborative working to shift stereotypical and harmful narratives within and about Africa, is launching the Storify Africa Fellowship, and is seeking four female journalists from across the continent to be a part of the inaugural cohort of fellows. Storify Africa is a narrative change and storytelling initiative housed within ANF. We partner with organisations who want to communicate and amplify the issues they care about on the continent through stories that center the voices and perspectives of those they serve.

Africa No Filter 2022 Storify Africa Fellowship
Africa No Filter (ANF), a donor collaborative working to shift stereotypical and harmful narratives within and about Africa, is launching the Storify Africa Fellowship, and is seeking four female journalists from across the continent to be a part of the inaugural cohort of fellows. Storify Africa is a narrative change and storytelling initiative housed within ANF. We partner with organisations who want to communicate and amplify the issues they care about on the continent through stories that center the voices and perspectives of those they serve.