Finance Perspectives 2023 Global accelerated talent development Program Worldwide

Finance Perspectives identifies top early-in-career talent and accelerates their development across geographies & functions, enabling them to be key contributors as agile leaders to our company’s ambition and purpose, “Doing now what patients need next”. Recognizing the central importance of experiential learning and development, Finance Perspectives provides a platform to strengthen a broad global network and to gain experience and skills in different areas that will be vital for a career in Finance.  We want you to reach your full potential by stretch assignments, doing four to five rotations in different exciting roles. You will be part of transforming Finance and making it ready for the future. 

Finance Perspectives 2023 Global accelerated talent development Program Worldwide
Finance Perspectives identifies top early-in-career talent and accelerates their development across geographies & functions, enabling them to be key contributors as agile leaders to our company’s ambition and purpose, “Doing now what patients need next”. Recognizing the central importance of experiential learning and development, Finance Perspectives provides a platform to strengthen a broad global network and to gain experience and skills in different areas that will be vital for a career in Finance.  We want you to reach your full potential by stretch assignments, doing four to five rotations in different exciting roles. You will be part of transforming Finance and making it ready for the future.