TWAS-NCP Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme for Developing Countries 2024

TWAS-NCP Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable in the departments and laboratories of the National Centre for Physics (NCP) for a minimum period of six months to a maximum period of twelve months in one of the following fields: Plasma Physics, High Energy Physics (Experimental and Theoretical), Quantum Information, Applications of Ion Beam Techniques using Tandem Accelerator (5MV), Atomic Physics & Spectroscopy, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Modeling, Simulation & Computing, Astrophysics & Cosmology, Vacuum Science & Technology (Vacuum Standards, Vacuum Coating & Material), Additive manufacturing and 3D printing and Artificial Intelligence. NCP will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs such as food, accommodation and health insurance. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency.The language of instruction is English.

TWAS-NCP Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme for Developing Countries 2024
TWAS-NCP Postdoctoral Fellowships are tenable in the departments and laboratories of the National Centre for Physics (NCP) for a minimum period of six months to a maximum period of twelve months in one of the following fields: Plasma Physics, High Energy Physics (Experimental and Theoretical), Quantum Information, Applications of Ion Beam Techniques using Tandem Accelerator (5MV), Atomic Physics & Spectroscopy, Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Modeling, Simulation & Computing, Astrophysics & Cosmology, Vacuum Science & Technology (Vacuum Standards, Vacuum Coating & Material), Additive manufacturing and 3D printing and Artificial Intelligence. NCP will provide a monthly stipend which should be used to cover living costs such as food, accommodation and health insurance. The monthly stipend will not be convertible into foreign currency.The language of instruction is English.