BODMAS Questions

BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. The BODMAS is used to explain the order of… The post BODMAS Questions appeared first on Leverage Edu.

BODMAS Questions

BODMAS Questions

BODMAS stands for Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. The BODMAS is used to explain the order of operations of a mathematical expression. It is an essential mathematical concept used in an array of places where you need to solve complex equations. It helps in solving simplification questions and reduce calculation time in most cases. Therefore, it is mandatory to have a stronghold over this concept from the start. To all those who are trying their hands on various competitive exams or preparing this topic for the scholastic exams like SAT, GMAT or GRE, here is a blog with BODMAS questions to practice. 

What is BODMAS?

BODMAS stands for: 
B: Brackets
O: Order of Indices 
D: Division 
M: Multiplication 
A: Addition 
S: Subtraction 

Now, let us understand the order in which it is used in mathematics- 

B ➝ O ➝ D ➝ M ➝ A ➝ S 

Starting from ‘B’ and moving towards the right of the word will give you correct and quick answers for those complex equations. Refer to the table below for a better understanding of this concept. 

Letters  Steps 
Brackets (B)  Break down the problems inside the brackets
Orders of Indices (O) Solve the indices such as roots, powers, etc
Division (D)  Divide the numbers which are given
Multiplication (M)  Multiply the numbers next.
Addition (A)  Sum up the next numbers  
Subtraction (S)  Subtract the numbers left in the end. 


BODMAS Questions


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Here are some BODMAS questions for you: 

  1. Simplify 25 – [20 – {10 -(7-5-3)}
  2. Find out the answer for 100 – 3 [20 + {50 – 40}]
  3. 7 + (8 -3×2)
  4. What would be the answer for 50- [20 +{ 30- ( 20- 5)}]
  5. Find the value of 150- [10 +{ 3- ( 20- 5)}]
  6. Simplify 1៖ 3/7 x (6+8X3-2)+ [1/5៖ 7/25 – {3/7 + 8/14} ]
  7. Using the rule of BODMAS, determine the answer of 18 ៖  10 – 4 + 32 ៖  (4+ 10 ៖  2 – 1)
  8. 10 – [ 6  -{7 – (6- 8 – 5)}] solve the following
  9. What will the answer of this question 5x ¼ ៖ 3/7 + [45/24- 2/3 + 5/6  x 2/5 ] 
  10. 1800 ៖ 10 {( 12 – 6) + (24 – 12)}
  11. 1/2 [{ -2 (1 + 2) 10} 15] x 3 
  12. 20 – [6- {4 – (8 – 6 + 3)}]     
  13. According to the BODMAS rule, find out the value of y: 36 ៖ 2 + y x 3 – 22 = 8 
  14. Determine the correct answer for- (1/4 + 7/4) – 2  
  15. 45 x 3 x 7 x [22/11+ 36/12]
  16. Solve this question using the BODMAS rule: 2 [2 + 2 {39 -2 (17 + 2)}] 
  17. Solve this BODMAS Question (17 x 18)៖  10 x 2 (2+ 13)- 25
  18. (3 + 3) x (3 ៖ 3) x (3×3) solve this problem using BODMAS rule 
  19. 2550 – [510 {270 – ( 90- 80 + 70)}]
  20. [29- (- 2) {6 – (7 – 3)}] ៖ [3 x {5 + (-3) x (-2)}] solve this complex equation using the BODMAS rule 
  21. 63- (-3) {-2 -8-3} ៖  3 {5+ (-2) (-1)}
  22. What will be the answer of this BODMAS question: 27 – [38 – {46 – (15- 13 2)}] 
  23. 25- 1/25 {5+ 4 – (3+ 2- 1 + 3)}

How to Solve BODMAS Questions?

The BODMAS rules simplify a mathematical equation by breaking it down. Let’s solve a BODMAS question to understand its rules.

Example: 4(10+15÷5×4-2×2)

Solve the Brackets:
Here, you must calculate the inside bracket first.
Within the Bracket, solve the division section first
Next, within the bracket itself, solve the multiplication
Next, within the bracket, solve the addition
At last, within the bracket, solve the subtraction:
Once the bracket is solved, pick up the number from the outside and solve the ‘Of’ section by multiplication:

So,the result of 4(10+15÷5×4-2×2)= 72

You can solve even the most complicated mathematical questions using this BODMAS rule of Brackets of Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction.

Here is the order of operations rule in BODMAS:

BODMAS Questions
BODMAS Questions
Courtesy: Suresh Aggarwal


As per the BODMAS rule, the first thing you need to do while solving a question is the simplification of brackets. But do you really know how to simplify brackets? Don’t worry, let’s discover ways of removing brackets and expanding an expression with the help of an example: 

Suppose we have an equation x (y + z), to open brackets and expand the terms, we will use the Distributive Property which states that a (b + c) = ab + bc. Therefore in the given equation will become : x (y + z) =xy + xz. 

We hope the simplification of brackets is clear to you know. Let us look at some complex examples for a better understanding. 

Example 1: Expand and simplify 9 (5 + 3) 

In question 9 (5 + 3) let us use the Distributive Property [a (b + c) = ab + bc]
9 (5 + 3) = 9 × 5 + 9 × 3
= 45 + 27 
= 72

Therefore, the answer is 72.

Example 2: Expand and simplify 11 (2y+ 3)

We will again use the Distributive Property [a (b + c) = ab + bc] to proceed with the question 11 (2y + 3). The equation will become: 
11 (2y + 3) = 11 × 2y + 11 × 3
= 22y + 33 

Therefore, the answer is 22y + 33!

BODMAS Worksheet for Class 10

We have prepared an exclusive BODMAS worksheet for you to practice the BODMAS rules:

BODMAS Questions Worksheet
BODMAS Questions Worksheet

Solved BODMAS Questions and Answers

BODMAS is an important topic of Maths which is a part of class 8 Maths, class 10 Maths and class 9 ICSE Maths. Thus to explain this topic better, we have solved a few BODMAS questions for you, have a look:

Solved BODMAS Question 1

BODMAS Question
BODMAS Question

Solved BODMAS Question 2

Find the value of ‘a’ using the concept of BODMAS. 
42 ÷ 2 + a × 3 − 22 = 8

42 ÷ 2 + a × 3 − 22 = 8
Using BODMAS, we will first work on the division 
21 + a × 3 – 22 = 8
Next, we will do the rearrangement of terms, followed by subtraction
a 3 – 22 + 21 = 8
a × 3 – 1 = 8
Taking -1 to the other side 
a × 3 = 8 + 1 
a × 3 = 9 
a = 9/3 
a = 3

The value of a is 3!

Solved BODMAS Question 3

Find the value of 3+3 of 3÷3 of 3×3

To understand the question better, let us add brackets to this problem
Therefore, 3 + 3 of 3 ÷ 3 of 3 × 3 will become 3 + (3 of 3) ÷ 3 of 3 × 3
Using BODMAS, we will first work on brackets and of
3 + 9 ÷ 3 of 3 × 3
3 + 3 of 3 × 3
3 + (3 of 3) × 3
3 + 9 × 3
As per the BODMAS rule, we will solve multiplication first
3 + 27
= 30

Therefore, the answer is 30!

Solved BODMAS Question 4

In equation 9 + 7 × 1= 5 − 3 which pair of signs should we interchange in order to make it correct? The available options are + with ×, + with –, × with – or + with –.

For the given 4 option, the only × with – is making the equation correct. Let us understand verify it by replacing these signs in the above mentioned BODMAS question.

Original Equation: 9 + 7 × 1= 5 − 3
New Equation: 9 + 7 − 1 = 5 × 3

Using the BODMAS rule, we would first wok on the multiplication
9 + 7 − 1 = 15
16 − 1 = 15
15 = 15

Hence verified that × with – is the correct choice!

Solved BODMAS Question 5

BODMAS Question 2

Solved BODMAS Question 6

BODMAS Question 3

Solved BODMAS Question 7

Find the value of x in the following equation 6162 + x + 3330 = 2545

6162 + x + 3330 = 2545
We will first rearrange the equation
6162 + 3330 + x = 2545

Using the BODMAS rule, we will first do the addition
9492 + x = 2545

Shifting 9492 to the other side of the equation
x = 2455 – 9492
= – 6947

Therefore, the answer is – 6947.

Solved BODMAS Question 8

Find the value of 6 ÷ 2 + 7 × 4

As per the BODMAS rule, we will start solving the equation by division:
6 ÷ 2 + 7 × 4
3 + 7 x 4

Next operation that falls next as per the BODMAS rule is Multiplication
3 + 7 x 4
3 + 28
= 31

Therefore, the answer is 31.

Solved BODMAS Question 9

BODMAS Question 4

How are you finding these BODMAS questions? Try out some Algebra Questions as well!

Solved BODMAS Question 10

Simplify [72 – 12 ÷ by 3 – 2 ]+ ( 18 – 6) ÷ 4

To simplify the given BODMAS question, we can start by operating the brackets. As brackets further involve division and subtraction, we will division
[72 – 12 ÷ by 3 – 2] + ( 18 – 6) ÷ 4
[72 – 4 – 2] + ( 18 – 6) ÷ 4
66 + 12 ÷ 4

Now we will first work on the division first
66 + 12 ÷ 4
66 + 3
= 69

Therefore, the simplified value is 69!

Find the value of 40 – [20 – {14 – (16 – 6 x 4 – 2)}]

As per the BODMAS rule, we will start solving the question by working on the brackets. Within the brackets, we will start with Multiplication followed by subtraction
40 – [20 – {14 – (16 – 6 x 4 – 2)}]
40 – [20 – {14 – (16 – 24 – 2)}]

Property of integers suggests, – and – become +, therefore
40 – [20 – {14 – (16 – 26)}]
40 – [20 – {14 – (-10)}]

Again using – and – become +
40 – [20 – {14 + 10}]
40 – [20 – 24]
40 – [-4]
40 + 4
= 44

Therefore, the answer is 44!

Now that you are through 5 BODMAS questions, here is a list of Seating Arrangement Questions for you!

Bodmas Questions For Class 4

Here are questions for Class 4 for BODMAS practise: 

  • (4+7)*3=
  • 5+(18/ 9*2)=
  • 12- (2*5)=
  • (50/10)-2=
  • (30-12)(12-3)=
  • (8-6)+(5*5)=

Bodmas Questions For Class 5

Here are questions for Class 5 for BODMAS practise: 

  • 33-9+40-(30+15) =
  • 33-9+40+25-(30+15) =
  • 3+21 x 6-(24-4) =
  • 3+21 x 6-(24-4) x 2 =
  • (62 ÷ 2 – 3) x 3 +6 =
  • (62 ÷ 2 – 3) x 3 +6 x 2=
  • 0.3+0.8+0.2=
  • 30+30×0+1=

Order Of Operations

Credits – mathantics

Why don’t you take a break from these BODMAS questions and solve a few Probability Formulas & Questions for a change?


What is BODMAS rule with example?

BODMAS rule suggests that while solving a complex equation comprising of various operations, we must follow BODMAS order to further solve the problem.
For example: (2 + 3 ) x 4
We will first solve the brackets as per the BODMAS rule, 5 x 3 and then multiply. So, the answer is 20!

What is the rule of BODMAS?

BODMAS rule stands for Brackets, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. It states the order of operations according to which we can solve a complex problem.

How do you simplify Bar Questions?

The bar questions denote that the operations under the bar must be given preference followed by BODMAS while solving a particular equation.

Does BODMAS apply when there are no brackets?

Yes, BODMAS is applied even to places where there are no brackets. In such a case we just work upon the other operations.

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